News & Dates



We are excited to welcome you for our 10th annual ECWM meeting, which is scheduled to take place in the enchanting city of Chantilly, France!


 - Please save the date 19th – 21st of May 2025 -



IWMF Research Grant Program 2024

Apply now!

Dear Researchers,


IWMF is pleased to offer research grants in five categories:


I.         WMF-LLS Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative

II.        Rober A. Kyle Career Development AWARD

III.       IWMF Research Seed Money Initiative

IV.       IWMF Enhanced Research Roadmap initiative

V.        IWMF Clinical Trial Companion Initiative


Please note that project proposals are due by February 26, 2025. We look forward to receiving and reviewing your proposals!


Please click here for more information 


Jan Gösta Waldenström Award

Congratulations! Zachary Hunter is the recipient of the Jan Gösta Waldenström’s Award honoring his outstanding scientific contributions to the advancement of Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia. The medal was given in a ceremony on the 12th International Workshop on Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia in Prague. Congratulations to our transatlantic advisor!


Jan Peter S. Bing Humanitarian Award

Recipients of the Jan Peter S. Bing Humanitarian Award, honoring extraordinary humanitarian work and activism on behalf of patients with Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia are our beloved Marie José Kersten and Elizabeth Elting


Robert A. Kyle award

In honor of outstanding contributions to scientific and medical advancements in Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia the Robert A. Kyle award was received by Alessandra Tedeschi and Stathis Kastritis

CONGRATULATIONS to your extraordinary achievement!


Young investigator Awards 2024

CONGRATIOLATIONS to our young European investigators! We are looking forward to your career in WM!

Congratulations to the IWMF research grant recipients

We are delighted and proud to share with you this year's IWMF research grant recipients featuring some well-known names from the consortium.


CONGRATULATIONS on your fantastic achievement!


Strategic Research Roadmap Grants: to promote and support basic research leading to improved understanding of the cause, diagnosis, treatment, and cure for WM


Dr. Aldo M. Roccaro, ASST-Spedali Civili di Brescia, “Dissecting the Tumor Microenvironment in Waldenström Macroglobulinemia.” 


Seed Money Initiative: one-year awards to encourage innovative, novel ideas and bring new scientists to the WM field


Dr. Erna Magnusdottir, The University of Iceland, “Self-Organizing Stem Cell-Derived Bone Marrow Organoid System for Studying the Tumor Microenvironment in Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia”


Robert A. Kyle Career Development Awards: two-year awards to foster a new generation of talented WM researchers


Dr. Tina Bagratuni, National and Kapodistrian Univerity of Athens, “Tracking the Evolution of Ibrutinib Resistant Proteome in WM”


Dr. Cristina Jiménez, University Hospital of Salamanca/Biomedical Research Institute of Salamanca (IBSAL), "Deciphering Tumor Heterogeneity in Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia through the Genomic and Immune Profiling"


Dr. David F. Moreno, Fundació de Recerca Clínic Barcelona - IDIBAPS, "Single Cell Subclonal Characterization and Evolution of the Genome and Transcriptome in IgM Monoclonal Gammopathy"


Companion Grant: basic science projects used as an adjunct to a clinical trial


Dr. Christian Buske, Dr. Christiane Pott, Dr. Philipp Nakov, Mouhamad Khouja and Lisa Marie Kaiser Universitatsklinikum Ulm and Kiel, "Deciphering the Dynamics of the Mutational Landscape in Patients with Waldenström’s“



Thank you all for a great Meeting!

This year’s ECWM stand-alone meeting was a resounding success. 

It brought together renowned key opinion leaders, physicians and researchers from across Europe and the USA, creating a prime platform for knowledge sharing and networking with the overall goal to improve our WM patients lives!

Jan Peter S. Bing Humanitarian Award

Recipients of the Jan Peter S. Bing Humanitarian Award, honoring extraordinary humanitarian work and activism on behalf of patients with Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia was awarded to three outstanding women: Shirley D´sa, Mary L. McMaster and Judith Trotman

Robert A. Kyle awards

Robert A. Kyle award

In honor of outstanding contributions to scientific and medical advancements in Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia the Robert A. Kyle award was received by Stephan M. Ansell, Jorge J. Castillo and Ramon Garcia Sanz.



Robert A. Kyle Career Development Award 22

Congratulations to Simone Ferrero and his team on receiving the Robert A. Kyle Career Development Award 22 with their project “A MULTI-OMICS APPROACH FOR DECIPHERING THE MECHANISMS OF PROGRESSION IN PREMALIGNANT IGM GAMMOPATHIES: NEW INSIGHTS FROM THE FIL “BIO-WM” TRIAL”. Please see additional information here.